Welcome to the Libre Music Challenge #23, for the month of October 2023.
This is a friendly contest where we make music with free (libre) software exclusively. Everyone is welcome to join, at any skill level.
This is a place for learning and sharing knowledge, and an opportunity to explore creativity through limitation.
But most importantly, we just hope it inspires you to make some music!
The challenge for this month is to make a track using the Helm synthesizer.
You can find out more about it at https://tytel.org/helm/
The only sound source you are allowed to use is this synthesizer. You can use as many instances of the synth as you like, and you're allowed to use all of its features, including any built-in presets. You are allowed to bounce the synth output into audio for convenience or workflow preference, as long as there is no alteration done to the audio afterwards.
You are allowed to use any DAW and any effect plugin, as long as everything is free software. You are also allowed to use any hardware device to enhance your workflow, e.g. midi keyboards or other controllers.
Happy music making!
Rules are the same as the previous challenges, with the addition of a rule on file formats:
- You must provide your audio file in a libre file format. Generally either FLAC or Ogg Vorbis. The file name must follow the following convention: "Artist Name - Song Name". You can use any capitalization you like. A WAV file is allowed, but it will be encoded as FLAC for the archive upload.
You can find them here for convenience: https://lmc.nyxkn.org/rules.
Or here under version control: https://github.com/nyxkn/libre-music-ch ... a/rules.md
I and many of us hang out on unfa's Rocket.Chat / Discord server. Come join us on #libre-music-challenge at https://chat.unfa.xyz.
For more info on past events: https://lmc.nyxkn.org/events
And if you'd like to stay up to date with future announcements, there's an RSS feed you can subscribe to: https://lmc.nyxkn.org/rss
Once the voting period starts, head on over to https://lmc.nyxkn.org/vote to enter your votes.
If you are a participant, you can simply log in with your linuxmusicians username. Upon your very first login, an account will be automatically created with the password you've chosen.
If you haven't participated, you can still vote! Make your interest known and I'll enable an account for you.
Playlist on archive.org
1. [49] LAM
2. [48] nyx eles
3. [45] A-Lin
4. [45] Spotlight Kyd
5. [40] sg75
6. [37] cieciu
7. [36] imMature
8. [35] Min Jun Gi
9. [34] Sahaathyva
10. [26] NickTheSic
11. [26] Trumpetrespas