Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

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Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by nyxeles »

Welcome to the Libre Music Challenge #19, for the month of June 2023.

Note: The deadline for this challenge has been extended up to the end of the weekend on July 2nd.

This is a friendly contest where we make music with free (libre) software exclusively. Everyone is welcome to join, at any skill level.
This is a place for learning and sharing knowledge, and an opportunity to explore creativity through limitation.
But most importantly, we just hope it inspires you to make some music!

The challenge for this month is to make a track using only one synthesizer: Odin 2.
You can obtain it for free from here:

All sounds must be created with this synthesizer. You can use as many instances of the synth as you like, and you're allowed to use all of its features, including the built-in presets. Using samples (e.g. for drums) is not allowed, but you're allowed to bounce the synth tracks into audio for convenience, as long as there is no major alteration.

You are allowed to use any DAW and any effect plugin, as long as everything is free software.

Happy music making!


Rules are the same as the previous challenges.

You can also find them here for convenience:
Or here under version control: ... a/


I and many of us hang out on unfa's Rocket.Chat / Discord server. Come join us on #libre-music-challenge at

For more info on past events:

And if you'd like to stay up to date with future announcements, there's now an experimental RSS feed you can subscribe to:


For the voting, head on over to
If you are a participant, you can simply log in with your linuxmusicians username. Upon your very first login, an account will be automatically created with the password you've chosen.

If you haven't participated, you can still vote! Make your interest known and I'll enable an account for you.


Playlist on



1. [30] A-Lin
2. [28] Arkforest
3. [28] MyLoFy
4. [27] sg75
5. [23] nyx eles
6. [18] Sahaathyva
7. [16] JTB

Last edited by nyxeles on Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:29 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by bsg75 »

Here is my contribution for this month's LMC:

The "Deep Triads" preset in Odin2 got me.
However, "Deep triads" produces just minor chords.
So this song has just minor chords, which makes it so strange.
The only thing that at least somehow worked was to glue the minor chords together in chromatic mediant relationships.


Here is the Ardour session archive: ... on-archive

Made with Ardour7 on Archlinux with these plugins:

Code: Select all

 21 * VST3   Odin2 (by TheWaveWarden)
 12 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  7 * LV2    ACE Compressor (stereo) (by Ardour Community)
  3 * LV2    SoftClipper (by Uhhyou)
  2 * VST2   Wider (by airwindows)
  2 * LV2    x42-dpl - Digital Peak Limiter Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * LV2    LSP Sidechain Compressor Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  1 * Lua    ACE High/Low Pass Filter (by Ardour Community)
  1 * LV2    Calf Multiband Limiter (by Calf Studio Gear)
  1 * LV2    Calf Vintage Delay (by Calf Studio Gear)
  1 * LV2    LSP Compressor Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  1 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 MidSide (by LSP LV2)
  1 * LV2    LUFS Meter (by Klangfreund)
  1 * LV2    Luftikus (by Lkjb)
  1 * VST2   Distortion (by airwindows)
  1 * VST2   Verbity (by airwindows)
  1 * LV2    DR-14 - Crest Factor Loudness Range Meter (Stereo) (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * VST2   Galactic (by airwindows)
  1 * VST2   ToTape6 (by airwindows)
  1 * LV2    Calf Analyzer (by Calf Studio Gear)
  1 * LV2    ZLimiterSP (by Alexandros Theodotou)
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by Arkforest »

G'day, Arkforest here.

My submission is called:

Tu Vai Morrer


I named this track after something some CS:GO pro typed into chat at a meme CS:GO match.
As you can tell, I had a lot of fun with it. All synthesised, no bouncing.
It is mainly a trance song, with a surprise at the end! Listen more to find out! :O

Here it is on SoundCloud with a free download link on it (superior FLAC quality!):

Here it also is on YouTube (currently private, will either make public later or make a new video for the same track later):


Here is a download link for the project files, compressed into a ZIP file
(the track is also in the export folder here. It is the one that is not stuffed into a "bin#{integer > 1}" subdirectory in the export folder): ... xa-aGlWxp8

Here is a list of the software I used (How do I format it as markdown?):

Code: Select all

# DAW: Ardour 7.2.123

- master
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor (x2)
  - lsp limiter
- audio 1 (for vocal takes)
  - armed and ready for recording
  - muted
- audio 2 (for vocal processing)
  - am pitchshifter
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp limiter
  - tap tubewarmth
  - lsp slapback delay
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - (should be muted but isn't)
- odin2 (trance kick)
  - send 1 
  - send 2 
  - send to lsp sidechain compressor 
  - send to lsp sidechain compressor 
  - send to lsp sidechain compressor
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor (x2)
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 9 (trance kick reverb)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp sidechain compressor 
  - lsp compressor
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 8 (hardstyle kick head)
  - send 3 
  - send to lsp sidechain compressor
  - tap tubewarmth (x3)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp limiter
  - dragonfly hall reverb
- odin2 8 1 (hardstyle kick tail)
  - tap tubewarmth (x3)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp sidechain compressor
  - lsp limiter
  - dragonfly hall reverb
- bus 1 (hardstyle kick reverb)
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp sidechain compressor
  - mute automation
- odin2 1 (closed hi hat)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 2 (open hi hat)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 2 2 (ride cymbal)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 2 1 (aux percussion)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 3 (sub bass)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp sidechain compressor
  - modulation wheel automation
  - pitch bender automation
- odin2 3 2 (hardstyle sub bass)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  -lsp sidechain compressor
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 3 1 (offbeat bass)
  - lsp parametric eq (unused)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp sidechain compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 4 (hard rolling bass)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp sidechain compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 4 1 (soft rolling bass)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp sidechain compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 5 (soft melody)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp slapback delay
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 6 (swelling pads)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 6 1 (non swelling pads)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 6 12 (brass)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 6 11 (low supersaw)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 7 (low lead)
  - lsp parametric eq (for automation)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - tap tubewarmth
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp slapback delay
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - lsp parametric eq enabled automation
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 11 (tech acid)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp slapback delay
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 11 1 (hardstyle tech acid)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp slapback delay (unused)
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 12 (string pluck)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - lsp multiband compressor
  - lsp compressor
  - lsp slapback delay
  - dragonfly hall reverb
  - modulation wheel automation
- odin2 10 (noise sweep)
  - lsp parametric eq
  - (i forgot to compress this! whoops!)
  - dragonfly hall reverb

This may or may not be the final submission, depending on whether I return to the project to make further finishing touches that I stupidly forgot.

If private media links (that are publicly accessible via are not allowed, I will make them public on the respective hosting sites, on request.

EDIT: I have removed the vocals that were originally in the track, to comply with the rules. This is not reflected in the project files at the moment, since it's just an easy muting of an audio track.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by asublin »

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by MyLoFy »

Hey there fellow fossicians!

@Arkforest proposed I'd do a hardstyle track, so I tried. Here's my submission:

Made with Ardour 7.4 on Archlinux.
Ardour session:

Used plugins (all free and open source):

Code: Select all

1 * LV2 ACE Delay (by Ardour Community)
4 * LV2 Wolf Shaper (by Patrick Desaulniers)
1 * Lua ACE Amplifier (by Ardour Community)
2 * VST2 ToTape5 (by airwindows)
1 * LV2 LSP Compressor Stereo (by LSP LV2)
18 * LV2 x42-eq - Parametric Equalizer Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
1 * LV2 LSP Gate Stereo (by LSP LV2)
6 * LV2 LSP Multiband Dynamics Processor Stereo x8 (by LSP LV2)
1 * LV2 x42-dpl - Digital Peak Limiter Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
4 * LV2 Dragonfly Hall Reverb (by Michael Willis and Rob vd Berg)
1 * LV2 Calf Analyzer (by Calf Studio Gear)
24 * LV2 Odin2 (by TheWaveWarden)
1 * LV2 PeakEater (by T-Audio)
4 * Lua ACE High/Low Pass Filter (by Ardour Community)
1 * LV2 DR-14 - Crest Factor Loudness Range Meter (Stereo) (by Robin Gareus)
1 * LV2 LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 MidSide (by LSP LV2)
6 * LV2 ACE Compressor (stereo) (by Ardour Community)
2 * VST2 Galactic (by airwindows)
1 * LV2 Amplifier (by David Robillard)
1 * LV2 EBU R128 Meter (by Robin Gareus)
4 * LV2 LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 Stereo (by LSP LV2)
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by nyxeles »

Here's my submission:

Made with Ardour 7.5 on Linux.


Code: Select all

 21 * LV2    Odin2 (by TheWaveWarden)
  2 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  1 * VST2   Reverb (by airwindows)
  1 * LV2    x42-dpl - Digital Peak Limiter Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * LV2    Dragonfly Hall Reverb (by Michael Willis and Rob vd Berg)
  1 * VST2   Tape (by airwindows)
  1 * Lua    GM MIDI Drum Note/Channel Remap (by nyxkn)
  3 * Lua    ACE Amplifier (by Ardour Community)
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by JohnTheBard »

Sorry it's late, been out of town and kept losing track of time.

Audius link (with FLAC download):

Made with Ardour 7.4 on Gentoo

Initially started as a heavier track and I made a part of that piano tone to write some chords and it just sounded so good over the break I went with it and added a melody. Removed all the heavy basses and such. I wanted to add more kicks snares and hats to do mix up but didn't have the time.

Plugin list:

Code: Select all

  3 * Lua    ACE Amplifier (by Ardour Community)
  2 * LV2    Tal-Reverb-III (by TAL-Togu Audio Line)
  1 * LV2    Galactic (by Hannes Braun)
  1 * LV2    ZamDelay (by Damien Zammit)
  2 * LV2    Tal-Reverb-II (by TAL-Togu Audio Line)
  9 * LV2    x42-dpl - Digital Peak Limiter Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
  3 * LV2    ZamVerb (by Damien Zammit)
  1 * LV2    Wolf Shaper (by Patrick Desaulniers)
  6 * LV2    ZamTube (by Damien Zammit)
  5 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 MidSide (by LSP LV2)
 13 * LV2    Odin2 (by TheWaveWarden)
  6 * LV2    LSP Compressor Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  4 * LV2    Cardinal FX (by DISTRHO)
 25 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  1 * LV2    EBU R128 Meter (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * LV2    Carla-Patchbay (by Filipe Coelho)
  4 * LV2    LSP Sidechain Compressor Stereo (by LSP LV2)

Hope to participate in more of these! This is a much stronger submission than my first time.


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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by Sahaathyva »

Hey all fellow librists !

Glad to be back there :)

Hopfully this month i had some spare time to make a thing for the famous LMC !!! ... al_sharing

But my Bespoke project became janky and at the end was dead :(

So i rushed this one yesterday for pleasure of the thing

It is this patch :

I played the patch in Live condition using my akai midimix controller
recorded the multitracks in bespoke and then mixed all the thing in Ardour with the superb x42 plugins.

The patch in itself contains

As Synths
-Odin2 instances *9

As FX :
-TAL dub3
-LSP lilmiter
-X42 Parametric Eq *7
-DROW Distortion
-DRAGONFLY plate reverb
-Libre ARP
-TAL Reverb III

It was fun , i like ODIN2 really, sad it is a bit harsh with the CPU use :mrgreen:

Que le meilleur gagne :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by asublin »


I have distributed my scores evenly from top, 5, to bottom, 1. These
values are to be understood in the context of the competition, not in
the absolute. That is 5 does not mean it is the best song in the
world, nor does 0 mean it is the worst. Finally, my comments are
meant to be my honest opinions and when they are negative it is in
the hope that they may provide value. I will end by saying that I
have enjoyed listening to all entries, though some more than others.


Code: Select all

|Author            |Song              |Score             |
|Arkforest         |Tu Vai Morrer     |5                 |
|MyLoFy            |Wodan             |4                 |
|nyx eles          |Onwards           |3                 |
|sg75              |To Walk among Men |2                 |
|Sahaathyva        |Minimalism Rush   |1                 |
|John The Bard     |Paise             |1                 |


  • Arkforest, Tu Vai Morrer: I love everything about that entry. Top
    production from the chords, to the arpeggios, to the synth effects,
    to the build-up, to the break, to the over-the-top ending. I love
    in particular the chord progression before the final ending. Well
    done! The French-but-not-quite title is fun BTW. More evidence
    that techno music done by musically inclined artists is the best.

  • MyLoFy, Wodan: Nice effects. Nice transitions. Nice build-up.
    Nice mix. Nice composition. Solid entry.

  • nyx eles, Onwards: A somewhat game-like entry. Quite pleasing
    overall. Good mix. Fun melodies and chords. You handled
    acoustic dissonances like a champ. There's some arpeggio in the
    low-end towards the middle that sits very well in the mix, surely
    you must have used some EQ or HP with care to not interfere with
    the low-end, or you're just lucky.

  • Sahaathyva, Minimalism Rush: Too quiet. Nice nonetheless. It's a bit messy
    but I kinda like the imperfect quantization.

  • sg75, To Walk among Men: I love the creepy chords and their build-up. I
    like the Jean-Michelle Jarre style voice lead, unfortunately it has
    also problems. For instance, the lead phrase between 00:32 and
    00:34, not sure it is due the notes or the insufficient legato, but
    it's not very pleasant. At 00:39-00:40, there is some slight
    interference between the portamento of the lead and the filter
    envelope of the bass. When the creepy chords come in, the lead
    fits well however. I like the scratches-like sounds in the
    background and other effects. I like the increasingly tenser
    "give-all-you-got" ending.

  • John The Bard, Paise: the melody is not bad but a bit too simplistic or
    repetitive, and does not completely fit with the chord progression
    in my opinion. Nice jungle-like drums.

Last edited by asublin on Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by nyxeles »

For the voting, we're trying out this new system:

If it's your first time using this, an account will be created on your first login. For the username you have to use the same username that you have here, on linuxmusicians (case-insensitive). Then you'll be presented with a playlist of all the tracks and you can assign votes.
If you forget your password let me know and I'll reset it so you can choose a new one.

@asublin Thanks for your votes and feedback! You don't have to vote again on the website. I can copy over your votes for you. But the voting range we are using is 1 to 5! So if you want, you can revise your votes, otherwise I'll just change the 0 into a 1.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by asublin »

I've corrected my scores. I can do the voting on but it allows me to vote for my entry. What should I/we do about that?

(EDIT: Never mind!

The vote you assign to your own track won't count towards the final score. But it will still appear on the scoresheet, for fun!


Last edited by asublin on Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by SpotlightKid »

nyxeles wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 4:05 pm

For the voting, we're trying out this new system:

If it's your first time using this, an account will be created on your first login. For the username you have to use the same username that you have here, on linuxmusicians (case-insensitive).

I don't get it. Am I supposed to create a new account there and use a new password?

I tried this, using my username "SpotlightKid", but I always get "Cannot register with this username". I also tried "spotlightkid".

I took part in LMC #3 way back, so according to the rules I should be allowed to vote, I think.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by nyxeles »

@SpotlightKid You'll be able to login now!

If any other non-participant wants to vote, just let me know and I'll enable an account for you.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by SpotlightKid »

nyxeles wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 6:44 pm

@SpotlightKid You'll be able to login now!

Yup. Thank you.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #19: Odin 2

Post by bsg75 »

Thanks @asublin for the feedback, it is much appreciated!

I voted in @nyxeles's app.

Here is my feedback:

Arkforest - Tu Vai Morrer
Solid production. I like the vibe. The middle part is my favourite.
In the (two) chord progression in first thrid, the second chord feels a bit too dissonant.
The hardstyle outro rules, but is probably a little long.

asublin - Staroshiro
Super catchy main theme. I had it spinning in my mind during jogging once :)
The odd phrase length (10 bars??) makes it super interesting.
However, it wears off by too many repetitions. Perhaps a shorter song length can migituage this.
Pads in the outro are just great.
The percussion could be a bit less predictable for my taste, especially the cymbal lacks some variation and feels too long and too loud.

MyLoFy - Wodan
Catchy, I definitely can see sweaty party dance to it. I like the impactors a lot.
The kick could be a bit more like "not that kick again" ;)
The build-ups are almost a bit too fancy for the genre (too much variation, too less repetitions).
Thumbs up for the title (google it yourself, I won't spoil it :) Same holds true for the cover.

nyx eles - Onwards
I like arps and pads in general and especially in the section beginning around 1:25.
This section has great arps and a great vibe with a almost radiohead-alike feel for a couple of chords!
The percussion lacks some punchyness and variations.
The melodies feel a bit rushed and hastily put together at times.

John the Bard - Paise
Dude, this is too short!
Tasty delays. I like the syncopation and short pauses a lot. Boomy bass at times.

SahaaThyva - A Rush of minimalism Techno
Hypnotic bassline. Chilled, laid back vibes. Decent for a three hours rush :)
Indeed, the mix is a bit dirty, like e.g. the pads are too far in the background.

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