Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Practical tips for recording, editing, and mastering.

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Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by nyxeles »

Welcome to the Libre Music Challenge #18, for the month of May 2023.

This is a friendly contest where we make music with free (libre) software exclusively. Everyone is welcome to join, at any skill level.
This is a place for learning and sharing knowledge, and an opportunity to explore creativity through limitation.
But most importantly, we just hope it inspires you to make some music!

The challenge for this month is to make a track using only the Uhhyou set of plugins.
You can obtain them for free from here:

You are only allowed to use Uhhyou plugins. This is both for all effects and for sound generation. Samples are not allowed.
As an exception, you are allowed to use any other compressor or equalizer plugin, since both of these tools are missing from the Uhhyou set.

You are allowed to use any DAW you like, as long as it's free software.

Happy music making!

Rules are the same as the previous challenge.

I and many of us hang out on unfa's Rocket.Chat / Discord server. Come join us on #libre-music-challenge at




Code: Select all

1. sg75 - Melancholic Majors --- 10pts
2. MyLoFy - Blue Bars --- 9pts
2. nyx eles - My Turn ---- 9pts
Last edited by nyxeles on Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by MyLoFy »

Hey there, here's my submission:

EDIT -- Link to Ardour session archive added:

DAW: Ardour 7.4 on Archlinux

Used plugins:

Code: Select all

  3 * VST3   LatticeReverb (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   NarrowingDelay (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   ClangCymbal (by Uhhyou)
  1 * LV2    LSP Compressor Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  1 * VST3   TestBedSynth (by Uhhyou)
  2 * VST3   MembraneSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * LV2    ACE Compressor (by Ardour Community)
 11 * LV2    x42-eq - Parametric Equalizer Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
  2 * VST3   L3Reverb (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   BasicLimiter (by Uhhyou)
  2 * VST3   EsPhaser (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   EnvelopedSine (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   FDNCymbal0.2 (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   ClangSynth (by Uhhyou)
  2 * VST3   LightPadSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   IterativeSinCluster (by Uhhyou)
  2 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  2 * VST3   UltraSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   LibreArp (by The LibreArp contributors)
  1 * VST3   ParallelComb (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   TrapezoidSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   WaveCymbal (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   MaybeSnare (by Uhhyou)
  6 * LV2    ACE Compressor (stereo) (by Ardour Community)
Last edited by MyLoFy on Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by bsg75 »


This is my submission for LMC#18:

This was fun! The Uhhyou plugin suite is just awesome 🙂🙃

Code: Select all

Archlinux, Ardour 7.4.0
  1 * LV2    EsPhaser (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   MaybeSnare (by Uhhyou)
  2 * VST3   CombDistortion (by Uhhyou)
  2 * LV2    FDNCymbal (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   LongPhaser (by Uhhyou)
  2 * LV2    SyncSawSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * LV2    SevenDelay (by Uhhyou)
  2 * LV2    IterativeSinCluster (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   UltraSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x32 MidSide (by LSP LV2)
  1 * LV2    CollidingCombSynth (by Uhhyou)
  2 * LV2    CubicPadSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * LV2    TrapezoidSynth (by Uhhyou)
  2 * LV2    L3Reverb (by Uhhyou)
  9 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  1 * LV2    LUFS Meter (by Klangfreund)
  4 * LV2    x42-dpl - Digital Peak Limiter Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * LV2    Simple Scope (Stereo) (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * LV2    DR-14 - Crest Factor Loudness Range Meter (Stereo) (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * LV2    LSP Compressor Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  2 * VST3   MembraneSynth (by Uhhyou)
  4 * LV2    ACE Compressor (stereo) (by Ardour Community)
  1 * LV2    LatticeReverb (by Uhhyou)
  1 * LV2    Calf Analyzer (by Calf Studio Gear)
  1 * LV2    L4Reverb (by Uhhyou)
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by nyxeles »

Here's my submission:

Plugins used:

Code: Select all

  1 * VST3   EnvelopedSine (by Uhhyou)
  7 * VST3   FoldShaper (by Uhhyou)
 10 * VST3   TrapezoidSynth (by Uhhyou)
  3 * VST3   MembraneSynth (by Uhhyou)
 19 * Lua    ACE Amplifier (by Ardour Community)
  2 * VST3   L4Reverb (by Uhhyou)
  3 * VST3   UltraSynth (by Uhhyou)
  1 * VST3   CubicPadSynth (by Uhhyou)
  2 * VST3   MaybeSnare (by Uhhyou)
  1 * LV2    x42-comp - Dynamic Compressor Stereo (by Robin Gareus)
  1 * VST3   SevenDelay (by Uhhyou)
 12 * VST3   SyncSawSynth (by Uhhyou)
 13 * LV2    LSP Parametric Equalizer x16 Stereo (by LSP LV2)
  2 * LV2    x42-dpl - Digital Peak Limiter Stereo (by Robin Gareus)

Song was made in Ardour 7.4.
But I also used a Bespoke project where I loaded a bunch of MembraneSynth/MaybeSnare patches and set them up so that I could map them and play them on a midi keyboard, similar to general midi mappings. I'll share that too. I was ultimately intending to reload the presets I'd made in Bespoke into Ardour, but I realized there's no way to manually save presets. The only way is through the vstpreset standard, which Ardour supports but Bespoke doesn't. So I ended up writing the midi track for the drums in Ardour, feed that to Bespoke, and record the audio from Bespoke back into Ardour. All hail jack.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by bsg75 »

I also made a visulizer for my submission:

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by nyxeles »

really cool track! i love the space-y feel. beautiful chords. the opening is glorious. so many cool sounds!
i like the weirder uhhyou sounds of the middle part. maybe the last minute or so feels a bit less interesting compared to the brilliant first half of the song

impressive work! i really like how far you went with all the glitchiness.
overall the track is very powerful and a beautiful composition. easily keeps you engaged throughout and i love how full it sounds

when listening to my track alongside both of yours, i can easily hear just how much better both of your mixes are, with a very full sound, whereas mine feels emptier and less cohesive. very nice work!

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by bsg75 »

MyLoFy - Blue Bars
The "freaking out" lead rules: sound-wise but also melodic-wise.
I like the rather sparse instrumentation. Well it seems sparse but I am sure there is so much going on in the background which adds to the mood of the song but not to any kind of muddiness in the mix.
The drums are SO realistic. However, the little snare roll after each snare hit sound not so realistic but works greatly in this context.
And kudos for the title! Out of all two word combinations, "blue bars" probably best describes the Uhhyou plugin eco system :D

nyx eles - My Turn [LMC18]
Your use of the Phrygian Dominant scale is just refreshing. It creates a not so often heard mood :)
This first chord change after the intro (after lurking around on the same chord for quite some time) hits surprisingly and effectively hard.
I like that you incorporated so many variations of the main melodic theme. I keeps the songs interesting. The kicks seems a bit too dominant for my taste in comparison to the other precussive elements.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #18: Uhhyou

Post by nyxeles »

The event concludes.
And the winner is... @bsg75!

1. sg75 - Melancholic Majors --- 10pts
2. MyLoFy - Blue Bars --- 9pts
2. nyx eles - My Turn ---- 9pts

Congrats to everyone!

See the attached spreadsheet for a breakdown of all the votes and some statistics. You can also find the same spreadsheet on github.

EDIT: updated the spreadsheet with the data I forgot to add on all of the votes given by everyone.

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