Behringer X Air on Chromebook

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Behringer X Air on Chromebook

Post by Revok »

Hello everyone

I've bought myself a cheap chromebook so I can use the Behringer X Air app when i'm gigging with my band. I've managed, through more luck than judgement, to downaload and install the X air app / programme, having never seen nor used a chromebook or linux before.

I've been trying to save all my band profile files on the chromebook, but for some reason neither the app or the computer (both?) come up with the list of files when I try to load them - the folder I've saved them in previously doesn't seem to contain anything. (screenshot hopefully attached). The X Air files are called .scn files

it's probably a case of epic user-error on my part, but I've no idea what to do or to remedy it - can anyone help?


Screenshot 2022-11-05 10.25.11.png
Screenshot 2022-11-05 10.25.11.png (126.44 KiB) Viewed 5167 times
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Re: Behringer X Air on Chromebook

Post by gaggelou1974 »

I have been trying to install X-Air-Edit on my chromebook but so far no luck. How did you manage to do it?

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