Avoiding Pipewire long-term...? [solved]

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Re: Avoiding Pipewire long-term...?

Post by dan_flash »

GMaq wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:32 pm
dan_flash wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 7:28 am

@GMaq - I tried booting into AV Linux again and the error was "could not find file antiX/linuxfs" and to contact BitJam. I dunno if that means anything to you but I'll search the MX forums and go down that rabbit hole if not.

Hmmm, is this the latest Ventoy? It had some bugs with newer kernels a while back, also an obvious thing to check is if the AVL ISO you downloaded matches up with its sig or SHA256 or MD5 files..?

Side note, AVL comes with the Ardour udev rules pre-installed.

No not the latest Ventoy. Admittedly, I didn't check the MD5 nor SHA256 for matches but once I finish this renovating this room upstairs, I'll set up my desktop there and see if I can boot into AV Linux and get a nice desktop set up going, this time fetching a new ISO and making sure the integrity of it is OK and will write it to its' own USB stick etc i.e. taking my time and actually doing things properly instead of in a rush as I usually do :D Thanks for your helps GMaq.

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Re: Avoiding Pipewire long-term...? [solved]

Post by bulevardi »

I'm wondering if the same problem occurs when using openSUSE ?

I'd love to run that distro once as my recording station, but wondering ....
I previously installed it once and I got into trouble with some things I don't even remember anymore, and then switched back to Mint.

Would be nice to know if it runs ALSA out of the box (on the long-term), without pipewire.

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Re: Avoiding Pipewire long-term...? [solved]

Post by glowrak guy »

Pipewire in debian is pretty easy to uninstall, I think the main lib was a dependency for some player software, so synaptic left it behind on a desert island :wink: All the extras and utilities uninstalled OK.
The suse yast package manager was always pretty good, maybe they have an even better one in these modern times? You could probably test on a usbstick install or a bootable dvd etc
Maybe when Kott gets back from Tahiti, he'll have an informed opinion :wink:

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Re: Avoiding Pipewire long-term...? [solved]

Post by Largos »

I use tumbleweed, it still has the yast package manager. I have had no problems with pipewire though and would not think of removing it. I don't know why people rather than just installing an OS that is setup properly, are installing OS with a poor implementation of pipewire, complaining, then hacking around to install something that's not as good instead. I am sure you all have your boomer reasons though :P

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Re: Avoiding Pipewire long-term...? [solved]

Post by asbak »

Uninstalling Pipewire from a mainstream distro is like pissing against the wind.

It's simple to stop or de-activate in case it isn't being used. Removing it only introduces additional package grief and overhead. It's pointless.

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Re: Avoiding Pipewire long-term...? [solved]

Post by glowrak guy »

I may have unique needs, but as part of setting up a fresh install, I uninstall everything that I don't use, that I recognize and understand...
So I purposely don't uninstall any libs, (of which I am Sergeant Schultz, even on a good day with a tailwind) but if they leave as part of a well understood package manager action, so be it. Easy enough to reinstall something post-blunder :shock: My system is ready to go, no fiddling and tweaking needed.

I dare say, that as a result, I may have one of the best problems-to-productivity ratios of any crazy person between The Rockies and Maui :wink:

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