Well, here we go again, tho I think I've finally hit something of a sweet spot and I don't forsee any more changes for a while (yeah right). What an adventure!
Asus X99 mobo
Xeon 2690v3 @2.6GHz, 12 cores, hyperthreading shut off
TONS of USB ports
Nektar GXP-61 keyboard controller w/aftertouch
Novation LaunchControl XL control surface
Xubuntu 22.04 w/Ubuntu Studio packages
Ardour8 for a DAW
MuseScore4 for notation
Favorite plugins inculde: TAL NoiseMaker, MLVST PG-8X, Cherry Audio DCO-106, EightVoice, ExaktLite, Aeolus, Synth1
Alesis QS8.1, NanoSynth, Micron, SR-16
Roland JV-1010
Waldorf Blofeld
M-Audio Fast Track Ultra 8R interface
Alesis MEQ230 EQ, RA-100 amp
NHT SuperZero speakers
MIDI guitar rig:
Ibanez ART-420 w/DiMarzio Super2 and Duncan JB (the One True Bridge Pickup™), GK3
Boss SY-1000
Generic little postage stamp stereo amp
Homebuilt 2x8" cab (design extrapolated from the Bill Fitzmaurice XF-212 I use at church)