Frescobaldi - a quick update.

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alex stone
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Frescobaldi - a quick update.

Post by alex stone »

In the process of setting up an old laptop with Antix and installing Frescobaldi and Lilypond, I discovered, as a professional dumb user, that I didn't need to "install" these apps at all.

I downloaded Lilypond and extracted the archive into my Documents folder. The app folder itself contained a complete file system to run from where it was. In frescobaldi, the user can nominate which lilypond version they use in the preferences, and add the path to the version they've added. This worked for me first time, and I now have lilypond 2.24.4, in a folder, in Documents, that runs as if it were installed on the system.
I realize this works per user, but as I'm the only one using this, that's fine. To be blunt, I finf this option far "cleaner" for my system in general, and it's got me thinking about other apps i add, where i could "install" them in my home directory, and keep my root system as clean as possible.

So when I "installed" (actually built it, then simply moved it) Frescobaldi, i put it in .$HOME/.local/bin, instead of system wide. I built that from Git, and then added it to the .local/bin folder, which worked fine. Again, no system wide install required.

It's got me wondering why we single user operators tend to install "external app versions" (outside of distro repositories) on our main systems, which has complicated upgrades for me more than once.

I also added a post about updating fluidsynth in another section of the forum (Samplers and Samples), and between the three manually installed apps, Fluidsynth, Lilypond, and Frescobaldi, i now have a persistent, stable, and viable portable engraving option, on a laptop that is/was well past its alleged use by date, using pipewire for audio, and Antix for the main system.
And these apps can be upgraded without adversely affecting the inherent wider system stability found in "standard" distro repos updates and installations.

Sharing some thoughts.


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