ciao all, this is my first proper post so 'hello and how do you do' to you all.
my kit = linux mint lmde os (debian mint), m-audio keystation (mk3) class compliant, system 16gb ram, cpu = 3.3gb 4 core.
essentially, i'm having a tech nightmare trying to get my m-audio keystation (mk3) to make acceptable piano sounds in any of the software options i have tried (and i have tried a lot).
my core requirement is to be able to get a decent piano sound with key dynamics (harder/softer i play key, louder/softer the sound) so i can plug in my m-audio as and when and practice piano.
if it's possible i would also like to be able to add musescore to that at some point, so i can notate my playing on the staff. so i add that thought as a consideration re recommends (musescore compatible would be helpful).
i don't want to record anything (maybe one day, but not now). and the DAWs i have tried (and have now unistalled) all seemed super daunting to me and (frankly) massive overkill and waste of resources (ssd space and CPU effort). so i have uninstalled them now and would prefer a piano playing option that did not involve them if possible.
that said, the only thing i have been able to get any sound out of at all was LMMS DAW. i was able to get a 'piano' (inverted commas!) sound out of that (so i know - at least - that my keyboard is connecting to my PC and keys register). but it was a horrible 1990s ringtone quality piano sound with no dynamics (crude plinky-plonky on/off noises) and i couldn't seem to improve it using any of the options available (which were overwhelming and confusing).
i think DAWs generally are just way too involved for my needs. menus-within-menus-within-menus, busy and cluttered desktops, chaotically organised. i need clear, simple, easy to navigate.
anyway, these are all the things i have on my system at present that relate to the subject.
if you think you can see a way by which i can make what i want out of these random bits i would be grateful for your suggestions (ps. i'm beginner level re using command lines, so simple GUIs my preference re doing things).
timgm6mbsoundfont (i don't even remember installing this, but it's there)
carla rar extracted to a folder (maybe that means it's installed?)
alsa - lots of this stuff which i think is part of the basic LMDE package
pipewire and pipewire-pulse - again, afaik all part of the basic LMDE package
re sfizz, i went to the sfizz github page but couldn't see what i was supposed to download (no obvious download button) and no command lines by which i could download it that way (confused face). so i'm aware it's something potentially useful, but not user-friendly re installation
i tried and uninstalled LMMS, VMPK, Ardour. too complicated for me to work out what is going on, and no sound from my keyboard out of the box.
in sum, i feel a bit like jack nichloson in the chicken sandwich scene in 'five easy pieces' (if you know that film?).
nicholson has to go a ridiculously convoluted way about placing his order, just to obtain a very basic thing.
i would like to be able to play piano... but hold the DAW.
btw i know pianoteq does this but it's paid subscription non-foss software (which is not how we roll at casa olivia).
many thanks in advance to anyone who has any ideas-suggestions they want to share.
song for the day: edu lobo & marilia medalha - ponteio (live 1967 MPB final)