As a Linux user, I was dissatisfied with the lack of tools supporting the editing of Integra-7 parameters. Consequently, I decided to develop a tool myself during my summer holiday, with the additional goals of learning some C#, async/await programming, and AvaloniaUI. I believe I have made a promising start, with all documented presets and parameters now exposed, editable, and observable[*]. However, librarian functionality has not yet been implemented, and there is certainly room for improvement.
The user interface is currently quite basic, organizing and presenting all parameters as laid out in the SysEx documentation. I have not attempted to regroup these into more user-friendly views (and would need assistance for such an endeavor). This is alpha-quality software: expect bugs and limitations. However, if you are comfortable compiling software yourself, you are welcome to try it out. Your mileage may vary, but using my tool, I have already been able to get more out of my Integra-7 than ever before.
At this stage, no binary builds are available. You will need to be comfortable with compiling the software yourself. The software uses a GPLv3 license, and is written in C#, .NET 8.0 using the AvaloniaUI (XAML-based) toolkit. I am utilizing a combination of Visual Studio Code, JetBrains Rider, and gVim for development. While the software has so far only been tested on Linux, it should also work on Windows and macOS with minimal effort.
Please note that summer holiday is over (alas!) and I will not have a ton of free time, but I thought that perhaps a few people would be interested to take a look anyway. The place to get the code and to log bugs or discuss new features is: https://github.com/shimpe/Integra7AuralAlchemist
Have fun!
[*] Editable: Parameters can be changed in the tool's user interface and will be sent to the Integra-7. Editability requires that the Integra-7 is set up to receive Program Change, Bank Select and Exclusive (Menu -> System -> Midi -> Rx xxx). Observable: Parameters edited on the Integra-7 will be seen by the tool, and the user interface will update automatically to reflect the changes. Observability requires that the Integra-7 is set up to transmit edit data (which it is by default, but it could have been switched off in Menu -> System -> Midi -> Tx Edit).