We (@corrados, @chaot4, @NarcoticV and myself) have for a while now (years actually) been working on new features specifically for improved support for midi eDrumkits.
The idea for a generalized compound instrument has come up as a solution to many of these new features (thanks @NarcoticV ) that is able to solve a lot of the needs we have right now.
But it seems that the potential of such a concept is a lot bigger than our current requirements, so we would like to get input from our user and the community at large before we start designing it.
The idea is this:
Currently a drumkit consists of a number of instruments, each containing samples, each mapped to a name which can be used inside a midimap to be played on a specific midi note.
What we are proposing is a new type of instrument, a compound instrument, that does not contain samples, but rather contains other instruments along with any information needed for the engine on how/when to play them.
Basic examples could be "hihat foot with tambourine" or "hihat splash, hihat foot, hihat closed, hihat medium open and hihat fully open" where the pedal openness is controlled with midi CC event on a single midi note instead 5 as it is today.
So; what cool features could you imagine being expressed through this concept? - and never mind if it makes sense technically, we'll figure that part out afterwards