Active projects?

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Re: Active projects?

Post by langoring_composer »

lilith wrote:Jesus Christ, what are you doing?? This sounds all so exciting. Are you a whistleblower or something? Abducted by Aliens?? :shock: :
hehe, well. several years of abusers would say that i have an overactive imagination. and that is actually true, but it's from being overstimulated by wierdness for too long. no "aliens" except the program to convert .RPMs to .DEBs

i'm not going to do too much except make some nice synthetic audio content (without mics).
i wasn't really a whistle-blower, but the actual ones are really struggling (according to the public domain) recent info about whistle-blower laws.
this country is fine and dandy, but it really is rather nasty to those who simply try to protect everybody else. meanwhile, the cruel vindictive sadistic ones tend to make a lot of money off of the rest of us.

i never completely found out why i got attacked so much. i have a handful of different theories and none of them really matter as much anymore as the efforts to try and counteract the hostilities with working solution ideas to help others and be helped by others to survive.

my main goals never really changed much at all.

1) environmental science & recycling interests
2) electronic music & visual aesthetics
3) love & intimacy
4) safety & security
5) staying out of trouble & away from hostile people

I'm getting pretty old, and I only have a bit of point 2 out of 5. that's not adequate.

anyways, i will be moving again soon, but this time i have most of what i need for my home studio again.
i know a stop along the way that sells the chromebooks and stuff that might still be in business. if not, maybe i could do craigslist, etc.

the nice thing is, the prices of chromebooks are going down, and the linuxes are still able to be used for getting them back into working order.
even though there's the latency problem, if i can at least get them to work as stand-alone pro audio editors, then it will be a good tool to sell to people who need to be able to edit their samples for their samplers or whatnot.

thanks for curiosity and communication.
i hope all is well with you.

langoring composer

p.s. EDIT: My 16 GB SD card ("secure digital" card) containing my partially replenished DAW archives was stolen between the time that this post was made and a few minutes ago today, the morning after. This is disturbing, because it was in a tiny case, inside my wallet, inside my bag, which i carry with me pretty much at all times. It was probably stolen while I was sleeping. This is very bad news, because it means that the thief was right next to me, browsing through my most personal items. The previous times stuff like this happened to me, I got assaulted and much else was stolen and damaged. :( :? :x :!: :|

I just hope the thieves get infected the viruses and malware that are probably in some of those files since they were downloaded from an insecure hostile location in a different city at a bustling hacker hotspot. :lol:
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Re: Active projects?

Post by dreamer »

There is the Maemo-Leste project that aims to bring the classic N900 maemo "Hildon" experience based on modern Linux to all kinds of devices:
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Re: Active projects?

Post by asbak »

For the naysayers, I just checked; the Anarchist Cookbook is still available from multiple sources, including bookstores.
There are plenty of mistakes and less than reliable information in there, just sayin', in case you value your fingers and eye-sight. :mrgreen:

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Re: Active projects?

Post by Plug&Play »


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