Looking for someone to record a cello track for my composition

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Looking for someone to record a cello track for my composition

Post by SpotlightKid »

Do you play the ceo and are willing and able to record a cello traxk on a composition of mine?

I can provide sheet music, a backing track and an Ardour project for recording.

The piece is roughly in the style of an Irish ballad and the other instruments are piano, guitar, bass, mandolin and a low whistle. The cello part isn't very technically demanding (around 114 bpm, no faster than eighth notes, about 90 bars, the lowest note is C# on the lowest string).

The piece was written by me some months ago and adapted to be performed at a funeral recently by adding a cello voice. Here is a short excerpt from a demo recording (using a simple soundfont cello sample):


I can provide link to all the files via private message on request.

The intention is to release the finished piece under a Creative Commons CC-by-sa license and it will be available for download for free from my server and probably SoundCloud. If I (additionally) put it on my BandCamp and sell it for "1€ or more", I'll happily distribute an appropriate share of the revenue for the track (my current total earnings from BC are a whopping 2.54 €).

Send me an PM if you're interested or feel free to ask questions here.


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Re: Looking for someone to record a cello track for my composition

Post by tobiasch »

still looking for a cello record for your beautiful track?
Im a new user here, but not allowed for PM.
Cello is my main instrument.
I think i can record it, if there is still demand.

Kind regards

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Re: Looking for someone to record a cello track for my composition

Post by SpotlightKid »

Hi Tobias,

the cello track still needs to be recorded, yes, so thank you for your offer. I considered using a commercial service but I haven't gotten around to re-recording the backing track yet (I want to make it a bit faster and replace the acoustic guitars and mandolin with better versions).

I'll try whether you can receive a PM... ... yes, PM sent.

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