Libre Music Challenge #14 : Guitarix

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Libre Music Challenge #14 : Guitarix

Post by rghvdberg »

Hello everybody, and especially @tramp

Libre Music Challenge #14 : Guitarix
  • Make a track using any number of Guitarix / GxPlugins.lv2 as you see fit.
  • deadline of submissions is 30-11-2021 (your local time is fine, I'm not gonna bother with time zones and such :D )
  • general rules still apply viewtopic.php?f=24&t=21662
Let's explore the wonderful application and plugin suite Guitarix
Read if you aren't that familiar with the plugins (like me :wink: )

some notes
  • It's not a Guitarix only challenge, you can use all your favorite tools.
  • It's not a guitar only challenge, you can use the plugins on anything you like.
If you have any questions, suggestions, post them below.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #14 : Guitarix

Post by MyLoFy »

Hey there!

Here's my submission for this round:


I even blendered a visualizer:

Since I've been listening to a ton of post rock in the past couple of weeks I thought I'd give it a go. Apologies for the length of the track, but that's just how it needs to be :)
Watching the news the situation feels as if the virus is having us pretty much in a deadlock, that's why I came up with the title and the corresponding mood. Hopefully it's going to look a bit brighter in the near future.

DAW: Ardour 6.9
Drums: DrumGizmo with the Crocell Kit (CC-BY 4.0
1x Bass Guitar
12x Electric Guitar

I don't own a fancy 20-String djent guitar so I downtuned strings as well as audio regions to reach a convincing D0

Guitarix plugins used:
-GxTuner (you can't hear it.... but then - you can!)
-GxSVT (bass guitar)

Other plugins:
-Several LSP plugins
-Ardour Compressor
-airwindows Console7, ToTape5 and Galactic
-Noise Repellent (my single coils like to make noise. as do I.)
-Calf Compressor
-Dragonfly Reverb

Master chain:
-LSP Parametric EQ
-LSP Compressor
and several x42 analyzers.

Gonna clean up the session and post it later here. Thanks @rghvdberg and @Sahaathyva for giving us these wonderful musical assignments every month!

EDIT: Here's the ardour6 session (228.7 MB)
EDIT 2: Fixed the broken ardour session

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #14 : Guitarix

Post by nyxeles »

Sick track! Rock on my friend.

I guess you've just won another challenge :) Grats!
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #14 : Guitarix

Post by bsg75 »

Congrats @MyLoFy - epic work :!:

It took a while, but I have managed to try out some of the Guitarix plugins.
WOW, I like them a lot :)

Here's the result of my humble tryout:

Made with Ardour and lotsa AirWindows, Calf and LSP plugins.
The guitars are Helm patches with quite some Guitarix processing like GxFuzzMaster, GxCreamMachine and GxAmplifier-Stereo-X. The bass is a real Fender Precision Bass played through Guitarix as well.
Drums are samples from AirWindows.
Synth is Helm.

Vocals are CC0 licenced from
craigsmith - Gruff Man Shouts to Horses.wav (Red Lib)

Cover is based on a public domain image:


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