Hello all,tl;dr
Make a lullaby for a GNU baby
Submit before midnight (0:00) 01-3-2021 (3rd january GMT)
Since my fellow Rghvdberg pass his free time to clearly code a new plugin, he has no time to handle the monthly Libre Music Challenge,
aka the infamous LMC!
So I we decided i will do so instead, at least this month

The Libre Music Challenge is an event that originated in the chat server run by producer/musician/youtuber Unfa.
In this challenge we use only free audio software and some general rules apply (check viewtopic.php?p=120524#p120524)
In this month challenge we're gonna make a Lullaby for my newborn baby girl, Louise

(it is an ashamed way to get some music for her to listen when going to bed, if i can feed her with Free music, i won't hesitate

All music must be made using only FLOSS/Libre audio software .
Only the plugins built in effects are allowed this time, just allow FXs on the master bus.
If audio is recorded , may stay as dry as possible.
Kudos if your lullaby is drumless

I think it may be a nice challenge for EDM producers to try to make a musical genre we don't compose that often

Well, that's it. Good luck and I look forward to hearing your submissions and reading about how you did it.
Submit your work before midnight 01-03-2021 (3rd january GMT time)
You can submit tracks by posting links to your work in this thread. Make sure the audio is downloadable as all tracks will be posted on archive.org. (link will follow)
Good luck and if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Results ! :
Code: Select all
| Artist | Title | Score | Avarage | Rank |
| MyLoFy | Calm and Sleepy | 43,5 | 3,625 | 3 |
| Vulnr | For the Lullsaby | 39 | 3,25 | 6 |
| Unfa | Infinite Lullaby | 39,5 | 3,3 | 5 |
| Erk | Lullaby | 30 | 2,5 | 11 |
| A-Lin | Lullaby for Good Sleep | 40,5 | 3,375 | 4 |
| Senbee | Music Box | 46,5 | 3,875 | 1 |
| Pulsing Bulb | Ramshackle Lullaby | 31 | 2,59 | 9 |
| A.very | Sweet Dreams | 44 | 3,67 | 2 |
| Fusterclucker | Torchbearer (Lullaby) | 31 | 2,59 | 9 |
| Lèyon di li Neûris′ | Fais Dodo Louise | 31,5 | 2,625 | 8 |
| Draco | Lydian Lullaby | 36 | 3 | 7 |