Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

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Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Sahaathyva »

Make a lullaby for a GNU baby
Submit before midnight (0:00) 01-3-2021 (3rd january GMT)
Hello all,

Since my fellow Rghvdberg pass his free time to clearly code a new plugin, he has no time to handle the monthly Libre Music Challenge,
aka the infamous LMC!

So I we decided i will do so instead, at least this month :mrgreen:

The Libre Music Challenge is an event that originated in the chat server run by producer/musician/youtuber Unfa.
In this challenge we use only free audio software and some general rules apply (check viewtopic.php?p=120524#p120524)

In this month challenge we're gonna make a Lullaby for my newborn baby girl, Louise :oops:
(it is an ashamed way to get some music for her to listen when going to bed, if i can feed her with Free music, i won't hesitate :lol:

All music must be made using only FLOSS/Libre audio software .
Only the plugins built in effects are allowed this time, just allow FXs on the master bus.
If audio is recorded , may stay as dry as possible.
Kudos if your lullaby is drumless :D

I think it may be a nice challenge for EDM producers to try to make a musical genre we don't compose that often 8)

Well, that's it. Good luck and I look forward to hearing your submissions and reading about how you did it.

Submit your work before midnight 01-03-2021 (3rd january GMT time)

You can submit tracks by posting links to your work in this thread. Make sure the audio is downloadable as all tracks will be posted on (link will follow)

Good luck and if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Results ! :

Code: Select all

| Artist              | Title                  | Score | Avarage | Rank |
| MyLoFy              | Calm and Sleepy        | 43,5  | 3,625   | 3    |
| Vulnr               | For the Lullsaby       | 39    | 3,25    | 6    |
| Unfa                | Infinite Lullaby       | 39,5  | 3,3     | 5    |
| Erk                 | Lullaby                | 30    | 2,5     | 11   |
| A-Lin               | Lullaby for Good Sleep | 40,5  | 3,375   | 4    |
| Senbee              | Music Box              | 46,5  | 3,875   | 1    |
| Pulsing Bulb        | Ramshackle Lullaby     | 31    | 2,59    | 9    |
| A.very              | Sweet Dreams           | 44    | 3,67    | 2    |
| Fusterclucker       | Torchbearer (Lullaby)  | 31    | 2,59    | 9    |
| Lèyon di li Neûris′ | Fais Dodo Louise       | 31,5  | 2,625   | 8    |
| Draco               | Lydian Lullaby         | 36    | 3       | 7    |
Last edited by Sahaathyva on Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by tavasti »

Sahaathyva wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:04 pm Submit your work before midnight 01-05-2020 (GMT time)
1) don't know what date format that is, which is day and which is month?
2) regardless of the format, we sure are late for that

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Sahaathyva »

ho my !

My stupid mind makes me that stupid joke every end of the year :evil:

So as you guessed the correct date is the 3rd january of the year 2021 (5 was a copy paste error), will correct that in the OP, thank you for noticing that to me.

Will you be in this challenge ?
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by tavasti »

Sahaathyva wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:18 pm So as you guessed the correct date is the 3rd january of the year 2021 (5 was a copy paste error), will correct that in the OP, thank you for noticing that to me.
Ok, great that we go it corrected!
Sahaathyva wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:18 pm Will you be in this challenge ?
Sorry to say, but most likely not. Haven't got time for music production lately, and I have other compositions waiting for finalization.

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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by unfa »

Here's my submission:

It's randomized - that means you can play it and it forever and it'll sound different all the time, yet use the same elements.

I hope the "master" processing doesn't disqualify me, thought we could easily strip it with not much harm.
Actually I should have used the multiband compressor before the wideband one, as now it's ducking from the bass...
Oh well. Done is better than perfect.

I release the project file under CC-0.

You'll need:

1. Carla-Patchbay
2. Stochas Linux VST3
3. Surge Linux VST3 (development build)
4. x42 Midifilter plug-ins (I guess?)
5. LSP LV2 plug-ins (could be ommited)

Load the project and star Carla's transport to hear the music.
unfa - Infinite
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Kott »

Very nice example, thank you.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Sahaathyva »

Thanks Unfa ,

You merged so well electronic music and lullaby ;)

My little penguin is already sleeping while we listen to this lullaby :mrgreen:

I think you got it right to randomize things, the "patch" approach is a good find.

I'm hyped to listen what will be submitted by the others contesters.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by erk »

Here i uploaded my Submission: ... -6-lullaby
Hearing unfas infinite lullaby reminded me i have an generative melody patch in my pd folders. Created an instrument and added reverb and delay in pure data to record it in ardour. :)
The patch is in the attachments.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Sahaathyva »

Nice, thanks for joining the 6th Linux Music Challenge !

So 1 question for the record :
what is the title of your piece of lullaby patch ?

To the others : come on, i need so much lulabies :mrgreen:
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by MyLoFy »

Hello everybody!

Here is my submission "Calm And Sleepy":

Software used:
-DAW Ardour 6.5
-Odin2 (10x)

Master Bus:
-LSP Parametric Stereo EQ
-LSP Multiband Compressor
-LSP Stereo Limiter

Hopefully it is very effective for sleepy babies and calm parents ;)
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Senbee »

Here's my submission: "Music Box".

Hardware: my own voice :-), a Yamaha acoustic guitar, a cheap electric guitar, Zoom G3X guitar effects
Software (all FOSS): Linux, Ardour, sfizz, Virtual Playing Orchestra, JJazzLab soundfonts, some ACE, LSP and Calf effects.

Made it all in one night.

Here's the lyrics:

Sleep little one
The old ogre has a gun
The owl at the zoo
will keep an eye on you
Ghosts in your head
and a banshee on your bed
Don't hear what they say
don't you trust what they play
You'll only hear my music box

Came the householder
and cried on my shoulder
Came a contender
returned it to the sender
Saw it on the news
there's a killer on the lose
Don't hear what they say
don't you trust what they play
You'll only hear my music box

Believed in a god
turned out he was a fraud
I found a buyer
turned out he was a liar
I give you a haven
Protect you from the craven
Don't hear what they say
don't you trust what they play
You'll only hear my music box

License: Creative Commons BY-NC, Stefano Droghetti 2020

I'm a SUDO wrestler - Italy - Ubuntu 24.04 - Ardour 8.10
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Sahaathyva »

Great Fellow musicians :)
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by y6nH »

Here's my lullaby.

Pulsing Bulb - Ramshackle Lullaby
CC-BY-NC licensed - please share and sample

Kit List:
DAW: Ardour
Synth: Yoshimi (all sounds synthesized; some internal reverb, delay and distortion used, but I kept it fairly subtle)
On the master bus: EQ10Q, LSP Multiband Compressor, Guitarix Tape and Barry's Satan Maximiser (set to a non-satanic level)

The glockenspiel-like sound that's keeping a steady pulse is my attempt at a Shepard tone. That is, it sounds the same in each octave, so it can keep playing a descending melody the whole time without actually getting any lower. The "wind and surf" sound (the only one of the 5 patches I didn't make myself) provides some of that soothing white noise that babies love, and the piece slows down from 60 to 48 BPM for extra calming properties.

To me, it sounds like something between the Penguin Café Orchestra and Jaga Jazzist.
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Lèyon di li Neûris′
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Lèyon di li Neûris′ »

Ach, it ends tomorrow, very short (I don't know why, I thought it was the 6th of January), I might submit the version with only the melody of the vocal (with the piano) for the challenge, today is not a good day to record vocal, too much alcohol yesterday and the day before :evil: :oops: :roll:, so, maybe tomorrow, or too late, but I will record the vocal version (indeed, it's done for one of my nephew's birthday that occurred a few days ago, but with his first-name, not Louise and I had so much trouble to record those vocals due to my not really suitable material and the certainly not so suitable way I used it that I only recorded that version to finally send it to that nephew quite late, but he was not in bed, so, he had it in time).
By the way, the lyrics are in French, so, as Sahaathyva is French, that is certainly suitable for Louise.
Excuse my not so bad imperialist language.
Je parle:
-français (langue maternelle),
-ein bisschen Deutsch,
-on topau walon,
-een beetje Nederlands,
-je signe peu la langue des signes de Belgique francophone,
-я чуть чуть говорю по-русски,
-a trochu česky.
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Re: Libre Music Challenge #6 : Lullabies !

Post by Lèyon di li Neûris′ »

Senbee wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:31 amsfizz, Virtual Playing Orchestra, JJazzLab soundfonts, some ACE, LSP and Calf effects.
That reminds me that I have a question about:
Sahaathyva wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:04 pmOnly the plugins built in effects are allowed this time, just allow FXs on the master bus.
I only used Ardour's team's stuffs, but I wondered about the MIDI sounds and left the general MIDI's default. Hearing and reading the other competitors, I think I've been too extreme on the interpretation of “built in”.
So, even though, lacking time, and the general MIDI piano sounding quite good, I will certainly leave this as is, are there any limitations on the choice of MIDI sound banks?
Excuse my not so bad imperialist language.
Je parle:
-français (langue maternelle),
-ein bisschen Deutsch,
-on topau walon,
-een beetje Nederlands,
-je signe peu la langue des signes de Belgique francophone,
-я чуть чуть говорю по-русски,
-a trochu česky.
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