It's a really nice device, and works with Linux out of the box. But it only has one channel for input. And that's an issue for me.
The device has "loopback audio", so desktop audio sent to the device is also looped back through the input channel. This can be great if you want to record microphone input together with the music playing on your computer. But I also want to use this thing for video calls, and that's where the problem arises. When I'm in a call, I have my headphones connected to the EVO 4, and I only want the microphone input sent to the video call app, otherwise other people will hear themselves again.
So I'd like to disable loopback audio.
In this YouTube review I've seen it's possible to toggle Loopback on Mac, so I was wondering if it was also possible on Linux.
I've been digging with alsa-utils, but I didn't find it.
Here is my alsa information: ... c93fb350ab
I think I got pretty close with amixer, but I did not succeed:
Code: Select all
numid=4,iface=CARD,name='Audient Internal Clock Validity'
; type=BOOLEAN,access=r-------,values=1
: values=on
numid=7,iface=CARD,name='Keep Interface'
; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=1
: values=off
numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Analogue 2 Playback Volume'
; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=254,step=0
: values=247,247
| dBminmax-min=-127.00dB,max=0.00dB
numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='EVO4 Capture Volume'
; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=116,step=0
: values=17,0
| dBminmax-min=-8.00dB,max=50.00dB
numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='Extension Unit Switch'
; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=1
: values=off
numid=2,iface=PCM,name='Capture Channel Map'
; type=INTEGER,access=r----R--,values=4,min=0,max=36,step=0
: values=3,4,7,8
| container
| chmap-fixed=FL,FR,FC,LFE
numid=1,iface=PCM,name='Playback Channel Map'
; type=INTEGER,access=r----R--,values=4,min=0,max=36,step=0
: values=3,4,7,8
| container
| chmap-fixed=FL,FR,FC,LFE
So any one else here running the EVO 4? Or tips to disable Loopback audio?
Or if it's impossible to fix this on Linux, which audio interface do you recommend which also has loopback audio, but with option to disable it?