lilypond-kde4 (for KDE 4) (from the maker of lilykde)

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lilypond-kde4 (for KDE 4) (from the maker of lilykde)

Post by studio32 »

lilypond-kde4 (for KDE 4)

A base package for KDE 4.1 or higher containing a KatePart indent script, icons and a powerful textedit protocol handler. This can be the foundation for different LilyPond editing apps for KDE 4. The textedit protocol handler opens the preferred editor application when you click on notes in the LilyPond PDF output, but it can also directly interact with specialized LilyPond editing apps.

You can use lilypond-kde4 already in KDE 4:

* Download and install lilypond-kde4
* (optionally) Configure Kate as the preferred editor for the text/x-lilypond MIME type. (Go to System Settings, Advanced, File Associations, text/x-lilypond and place Kate on top. If your system does not know the text/x-lilypond MIME type, upgrade the shared-mime-info package to a recent version. You could also use KWrite, but KWrite opens a new window for every LilyPond file.)
* Run Kate and edit a LilyPond file
* Run LilyPond on the file and open the generated PDF in e.g. Okular
* Click on notes and Kate will jump to the correct file and cursor position
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