native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

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native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by eric71 »

It comes up occasionally in other threads, and I'd mentioned it recently in a thread about pitch correction plugins, but as of testing it today the native Linux REAPER developmental version is really coming along nicely. Justin posted yesterday about having updated the 64 bit linux build to version 5.20beta10. There's instructions for compiling the needed libSwell, and also a precompiled for debian stretch (which seems to work on Ubuntu Studio 16.04 for me. I just needed to extract reaper_520beta10_developer_linux_x86_64.tar.xz in my user directory, and extract from libSwell-x86_64-debian-stretch-gtk3.tar.xz into the REAPER folder. I needed to connect it to jack using Catia, so that didn't happen automatically, but it is running and playing back audio with no crashes yet. Even the new music notation editor seems to be working. I haven't tried recording yet. ... tcount=329
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by davephillips »


Tried it on Fedora 21 x86_64, got no joy. Followed the directions, successfully built and linked, but the reaper5 binary fails with error "SWELL API not found : ImageList_Add".


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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by eric71 »

One crash I've run into is when I try to set up a control surface. The option is not listed in the options, but if I search the options for "control" I do get taken to the setup screen. Selecting Mackie Universal makes REAPER go poof. I'm not very experienced with jack midi, so I may be doing something wrong there too.

I haven't tried connecting a midi keyboard or my midi drumkit to it yet, as they are packed away due to a recent move. But I have managed to get jack midi ports showing up on REAPER in Catia with the alsa midi bridge running. Recording audio is working, and imported midi files can play back using Reasamplomatic or ReaSynth.
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by eric71 »

Dave, have you tried the precompiled Maybe it will work on Fedora as well.
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by sysrqer »

Fantastic, it works for me. It's certainly a little rough around the edges but this is really exciting to see.
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by davephillips »

eric71 wrote:Dave, have you tried the precompiled Maybe it will work on Fedora as well.
That was the remedy, thanks a lot ! Simple audio playback seems stable. I'll look into it more over the weekend.


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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by sysrqer »

Is it possible to change that font?
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by davephillips »

sysrqer wrote:Is it possible to change that font?
Haven't found a way yet. :( It is a bad choice of font, but hopefully they'll add font selection as an option.

Will themes for the Windows version work with the Linux version ?


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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by eric71 »

I tried adding the theme from REAPER3, but no luck. I also tried dumping a jesusonic file in with the installed ones, and it didn't pick that up either. I guess it isn't able to scan for new themes and plugins yet.
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by eric71 »

eric71 wrote:I tried adding the theme from REAPER3, but no luck. I also tried dumping a jesusonic file in with the installed ones, and it didn't pick that up either. I guess it isn't able to scan for new themes and plugins yet.
Quite happily I can report that I was completely wrong about adding themes and js plugins :)

I had copied the theme file for REAPER 3 into the /InstallData/Color Themes folder in my REAPER directory. I did not realize that once it is run REAPER creates a hidden .REAPER folder in your home directory. Putting the theme file in the Color Themes folder in .REAPER works. The REAPER 3 theme (found here: ... erThemeZip ) now shows up in the themes part of the options dropdown. It's a good theme, since it uses sliders for panning (the knobs in the default theme don't work right in the Linux build).

The same goes for a hihat controller js plugin I also use. Putting it in the effects folder in .REAPER works. It now shows up as an available effect in the program.
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by eric71 »

Another update!

Today a new build for 5.20rc3 appeared on the server, as well as a new precompiled libSwell. It has added in ReaVerb (their convolution reverb), and more importantly it has the first support of linux vst. This is without gui, but it is a big start :) mda and gvst plugins are working well for me with their presets available. TAL stuff seems to work too. Someone mentioned that linuxsampler with Fantasia frontend is working. Unfortunately no luck with Carla, but hopefully they will get gui support going soon.
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by sysrqer »

That's a nice step forward, making some decent progress. I got carla loaded but doesn't seem to be much you can do with it without a gui. All my other plugins seem to be working in it too. There seems to be something a bit funky going on with window focus and the mouse in general at the moment but looking good overall.
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Re: native linux REAPER 5.20beta10 dev build is working nicely

Post by eric71 »

Yes, Carla scanned and will load, but there are no controls available. Luckily, for sf2 and sfz, the linuxsampler vst is working nicely with qsampler. The settings are getting saved with the project, so once it is set up once, I haven't needed qsampler open. I have salamander drumkit sfz on one track and a bass sf2 on another. There's not much I need that it can't do right now, except it still crashes when I try to set up a control surface (I click Mackie Universal from the dropdown selction and it crashes). And the rotary knobs in the default theme still don't work in this update - so I'm still using the theme from REAPER3, which I prefer anyway. Windows often appear behind others on Xfce for me too. They are still missing elastique from ReaTune (though it does have some other algorithm present, can't recall what right now. But it is definitely getting to a nearly usable state. GUI for linux vst (and thus the ability to use Carla) would probably make it my everyday daw.

Follow up re: linuxsampler - I started having some crashes when starting a project. I thought it was due to my trying to save my connections with Claudia, but it turns out that removing the linuxsampler vsts from the project fixed it. Starting an empty project, connecting everything in claudia, and then loading the project worked - so I'm not sure what the problem was. Rendering a track with linuxsampler-vst on it also crashed REAPER. So I'm still eagerly awaiting a day when Carla will work on REAPER, and in the meantime I'm playing with ReaSamplomatic5000. Which is a very nice sampler - should be able to get Salamander drums working with its layers and round robin, once I figure out mute groups.
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